Promoting Your Band on a Budget Made Easy

Until you hit the big time, it used to be pretty difficult to get your bands’ name ‘out there’. But with social media, promoting your band on a budget has never been easier. Whether you’re looking for worldwide fame, or just want to make music; here are some great tips for promo on a shoestring:

Social Media

Think MySpace, a musician’s best friend in the social media world, is dead? Think again! MySpace is still one of the best ways to promote your band in the social networking sphere. Make full use of the site by uploading tracks, connecting with followers, and sharing behind-the-scenes gossip.

Another social networking website you should make the most of is YouTube. Upload your music videos, behind-the-scenes snapshots and Q&A sessions. Keep up with faithful Facebook and trusty Twitter to help build a national fan base.


Obvious as it sounds, gigging in local pubs, clubs and small venues is the best way to promote yourself. Use your social media pages to advertise the gigs and encourage fans to spread the word for you.

Contact venues and enquire about being the support acts for bigger local bands. This is great exposure and fellow musicians are bound to want to help out. The more promo you do, the bigger bands you can support.

Promo Packs

Doing exactly what it says on the tin, promo packs are a great way to plug your band, and spread the word. Local radio stations and gigging venues are the ideal places to send these packs, as they might help you secure some airtime.

Include a demo, promotional images, a band bio, and contact information. Make you promo pack exciting and a reflection of you and your music. You need to show these people why they should promote your band, so make sure you stand out.


If you love music, you probably own a band tee or two. So what better way to help promote your band, than by investing in some quality band merchandise? You can sell these at your gigs, try and get them on websites, or even in local stores.

When someone wears your top, they’re promoting you so make sure they’re eye-catching. Make sure your bands’ logo is memorable and unique – everyone knows the Ramones’ or Rolling Stones’. You can also use posters, plectrums, and other band merch to help promote your band.

Pamphlets and Posters 

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of a good poster. You can ask venues you’re performing in to have a few posters and pamphlets up promoting the gig. Make sure you include a website address or links to social media so people can find out more about you.

Whatever your budget, there are loads of really easy and effective ways to promote your band. Set yourself apart from others in the industry, offer something different, and make sure that you’re a band worth keeping an eye on.

This guest post has been supplied by, one of the UK’s biggest retailers of authentic African instruments.