Experimentation Is The Key To Discovering City Nightlife

So many different things contribute to a great night out. Much of it is your control – the company you choose, the venues you choose, the drinks you choose and so on – but there are a few things that you have to rely on other people catering for – things like the music and the atmosphere.

The atmosphere of a really good venue is hard to replicate anywhere else and that’s what makes certain bars and clubs genuine favourites. The crowds flock to the venues that strike the right chord with their public. When clubs get it wrong, they find it hard to recover, although the right atmosphere for one person is completely different to that of the next.


That’s one of the things that makes going out in the city such a fantastic experience. It all comes down to choice. Sometimes it’s just great to learn over time which are the clubs and venues that meet your tastes and which aren’t. Experimentation is often at the very heart of going out. Gradually, you know what venues create the right mood depending on the group you’re out with and the things you are looking for.

The influence of great music

Music obviously does a lot to determine what a good night is all about. The whole mood of a venue often develops according to what the resident or guest DJ is up to. Over the course of a week the same venue can be a haven for rockers and the place to be for people who love urban tunes, the premier choice for eclectic dance fans and the top venue for people who want to shake their tail feathers to some Motown and soul.

The complexion of a night really depends on the DJ because it is always a certain type of music that brings in a certain type of crowd – and keeps another type of crowd away! Of course, a good venue will always cater for its public by making sure all the technical stuff is just right.

The technical stuff is often just as important as the creative stuff because a DJ can only perform if they have a good vehicle for their talents. Finding a place where the music is great but the sound is poor and it just isn’t delivered in the right way can be even more disheartening that ending up in a venue that just isn’t your thing at all!

The key is to experiment until you’re certain you’re spending your time in the right places. Read testimonials for club nights, ask your friends and the people you meet when you’re out and about for their thoughts on where to be, but most importantly stay relaxed and enjoy the experience of learning about your city and what it has to offer.

If you are looking for ideas for a great night out, Gary Danson can help. For great ideas on London nightlife, take a look at www.xclusivetouch.co.uk