Billy Talent
Genre: Alternative rock, post-hardcore, punk rock
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Billy Talent was originally called Pezz. They began their music career in the basement of Ian D’Sa by writing, performing and producing songs. The band soon began to grab attention in the town and then came into the notice of a wider public through their first demo recording in 1994 titled ‘Demoluca’ named after their friend Jason Deluca.
The band consists of lead vocalist Benjamin Kowalewicz, lead guitarist/vocalist Ian D’Sa, bass guitarist/backing vocalist Jonathan Gallant and drummer/percussionist Aaron Solowoniuk.
They managed to record their first full length album in the year 1999 although D’Sa, Gallant, Kowalewicz and Solowoniuk were busy pursuing different careers. The band came out with ‘Watoosh!’ which was very successful however it failed to reach the mainstream sales level.
Billy Talent was born owing to the clash in the names of Pezz with another American punk band with the same name. Billy Talent went on pursuing an extremely successful career after that, releasing three more albums titled ‘Billy Talent’, ‘Billy Talent II’ and ‘Billy Talent III’.