Genre: Hard rock, heavy metal, blues rock, rock and roll
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The Australian rock band which was formed in the year 1973 by brothers Malcolm and Angus Young are basically considered as the pioneers of heavy metal. However they prefer calling their music as rock and roll.

The two brothers have constantly been a part of the band ever since the band was founded. Various arrivals and departures were seen in the band however Brian Johnson (lead vocals), Cliff Williams (backing vocals) and Phil Rudd (drums) have been consistently performing in the band ever since they joined the group. Phil Rudd however was fired after the friendship with Malcolm deteriorated owing to a fight between the two. Commercial losses were seen after his departure. Phil Rudd was later rehired by the band in 1994.

AC/DC are one of the highest grossing bands of all times and they boast of selling over 200 million record albums hitherto. The latest album Black Ice of AC/DC has sold around 71 million copies in US itself. AC/DC has also received many awards and nominations over the years. They have won a Grammy award for their album ‘War Machine’ in the year 2010.